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नव्यन्यायशैल्याः अध्ययनम्

Learn the Style of Navya-Nyaya

We may make the study of many shastra-s in life. The progenitors of these sastra-s tried to provide precise and clear explanations of these sastra-s. To this end, a certain style of writing was developed. This style of writing is called Navya-Nyaya-Shaili. Today, there are many texts available that are written in this style. Some, scared of this style have given up the study of shastra-s. Some, to familiarise themselves with this style, take up the study of various Tarka-texts. To help ease the difficulties of students, faced in the study of sastra texts, this course has been designed. In this course, Navya-Nyaya style would be introduced in a comprehensive manner.

No of Enrollment
No of Lectures

Schedule of Classes

About the Course

What will you gain from this course? (Key Benefits / Learning Outcomes)

  • Ability to understand Shastra sentences constructed using technical terms like Avachchedaka - Avachchinna.
  • Develop the ability to read texts of Vedanta, Vyakarana and other shastras. 
  • Develop scholarly language skills in Sanskrit. 
  • Sharpened intelligence.  
  • Equip yourself for studying Tarka texts like Nyayabodhini, Tarkasangraha Deepika, etc.  
  • Worth 2 Credits.

What are the materials/support you get?

  • Access to recordings of classes (both video and audio) which you may access anytime for repeated listening or catching up with missed portions.
  • Presentations used for the classes in PDF format.

What are the prerequisites to get the best out of this course? 

This course expects a good knowledge of basic concepts of Tarkashastra like 7 padaartha-s, 9 dravya-s, 24 guna-s, Understanding of guna-s present in various dravya-s and Samyoga and Samavaya Sambandha. 


  • Learners who have attended the live class and have passed the final course assessment of the course Foundations of Tarkashastra are directly eligible. These learners have already been added to the batch. 
  • Learners who have attended the above course using pre-recorded videos, may continue in the same format. If they are interested in attending the live class, they would have to pass the final course assessment of the course Foundations of Tarkashastra. The learners who are eligible based on all the criteria have already been added to the batch. 
  • If any learner has not attended the above mentioned course earlier or completed the assessment, they need to complete the Entrance TestClick here to register for the test.

The entrance test is intended to maintain a minimum level of uniformity among the students so that we can deliver the course effectively.

Admission to Live Classes of this course was through an entrance test. It is now complete, and admissions for the Live batch are closed. You can still enroll in the course to join the Pre-recorded batch and learn through recordings of the classes. All course materials will be available. 

Visual Design Learn the Style of Navya-Nyaya

About the Teacher

Know More about the Course

Note: Enrollment for the live session is closed.

 Kindly follow the below steps to access the class recordings and study materials.

  1.  Scroll above and Click on the "Enroll for Free" button.

  2. If you have not signed in, you can sign in. If you are a new user, you can get a new account for free in less than 2 minutes.

  3. Once you enroll, you can access all materials from your learning dashboard.

  4. For any issues/questions, please check our FAQ page / Help Video.

Course Content

To access the content please enrol to the course and go to ‘My Account’/ Learning page.