Aksharamala – Alphabets, Vowel signs & Conjunct Consonants: Knowledge about Sanskrit varnamala, gunitakshara series and different types of samyuktaksharas, Exercise of facial muscles, clarity in speech, Cognitive skills, Writing skill, hand-eye coordination, passive listening.
Lingani - Masculine, Feminine & Neuter words: Clear understanding about different genders, their forms, and pronouns, Improve vocabulary, memory, will be able to form a grammatically correct sentence.
Kriyapadani – Actions: Learn action words and their forms, Expression through speech and writing, Composition.
Visheshanani – Adjectives: Usage of adjectives in different genders and numbers, usage of adverbs, Expression through speech and writing, Composition, Reasoning skill.
Sankhyah – Numbers: Learn numbers in Sanskrit, improve analytical & competitive skills.
Vakyavistarah – Sentences: Know about different cases of a word, pronouns, form better sentences by learning about interrogative words and indeclinable, Reasoning skill, form longer sentences, Earned self-esteem/confidence about the Sanskrit language.
Shravana-koushalam – Listening Skill: Expands knowledge, helps detect problem & solutions, intensify your conversation, improve empathy/enhance encouragement.
Pathana-koushalam – Reading Skill: Mental Stimulation, increase your vocabulary, knowledge, improve focus & concentration, better writing skill, acquire values.
Lekhana-koushalam – Writing Skill: Better listening & reading skill, expression, clarity.
Avagamana-koushalam – Comprehension Skill: Better listening & reading skill, Reasoning.
Shabda-sampad-vardhanam – Vocabulary Skill: oration, memory improvement.
Rachana-koushalam – Composition Skill: Clarity in communication.