[email protected] +91 94808 65623

विद्याभूषणः - चित्तूरुपरीक्षा-षष्ठस्तरः (प्राक्तन-प्रश्नपत्रिकाः)

Vidyabhushana - Chittoor Level 6 (Previous Question Papers)

Previous Question Papers from the Vidyabhushana Exam (6th Level of Chittoor Exams).

No of Enrollment
No of Lectures

Schedule of Classes

About the Course

What will you gain from this course? (Key Benefits / Learning Outcomes)

  • Understand the question paper pattern.
  • Practice well for frequently asked questions.

What are the materials/support you get?

  • Question papers from previous years. (Continuously updated as and when we receive new papers).

What are the pre-requisites to get the best out of this course? (Eligibility)

  • Advanced knowledge of Sanskrit language and grammar, having passed the previous level of the same exam or exams equivalent to this one (Chittoor board / Samskrita Bharati / Surasaraswathi sabha, etc).
Visual Design Vidyabhushana - Chittoor Level 6 (Previous Question Papers)

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To access the content please enrol to the course and go to ‘My Account’/ Learning page.