श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता - अद्वैतवेदान्तदृष्ट्या प्रतिश्लोकमध्ययनम् (आङ्ग्ल-भाषया) - गणः - २
Shrimadbhagavadgita is the leading light to all the questions in life. The learned say, even if one understands the superficial meaning of a single verse in this treasure of knowledge, they can lead a peaceful life. This pre-recorded course deals with rendering the meaning for each verse of Gita from a point of view of Advaita Vedanta. They are entirely based on Swami Paramarthananda’s classes on Gita. It also introduces lot of practical advices, framework & guidelines for householders & working professionals to follow in their daily life.
What will you gain from this course? (Key Benefits / Learning Outcomes)
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Note: a) Make a list of doubts that you may have and send an email to [email protected].
b) To study - two Videos per week will be preferred.