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सावर्तनं भगवद्गीताकण्ठपाठः 

(पुनरावर्तनेन भगवद्गीतायाः कण्ठपाठं कुरुत)

Repeat & Memorize Bhagavad Gita - Using an Interactive Interface

The Bhagavad Gita is the one of the most followed and sacred texts of Sanatana Dharma. It consists of 700 verses which are part of the epic Mahabharata’s Bhishma parva. Dialogue between Kaunteya Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Krishna is the narrative framework of Gita. It is said that the Bhagavad Gita was written by Lord Ganeśa as narrated to him by Veda Vyasa. Vyoma linguistic Labs Foundation has developed an interesting and interactive tool which assists the memorization of Bhagavad Gita. This course presents all the shlokas along with the embedded tool inside it.

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About the Course

What is this tool ?

  • Audio aligned with text-highlighter - You can see the text of the verses on screen, and play the audio. Exact words in the text are highlighted as and when the audio is playing that word. 
  • Audio used in this tool is the professional, studio-recorded audio by a scholar well-versed in Vedas, Shiksha Shastra (Phonetics) and Sanskrit grammar - So you get the best possible rendition incorporating all nuances of pronunciation as enunciated in the shastra. 

What are the main features ?

  • Start and stop the verses at any point. You can click on any word in the text and start playing the audio from there. 
  • Set Loop start and end points to repeatedly play the verses for practise. 
  • Adjust the speed of audio playback - You can use slow speeds while learning, and faster speeds for quick revision. 

How do I use this tool optimally ? 

  • Step 1 - Use this tool to play the verses at a slow speed, and follow carefully along with the text, paying attention to each word as it is highlighted.
  • Step 2 - Once you are familiar with reading the verses, choose a section of 5 or 10 verses to memorise. Set the Loop points to the beginning and end of your chosen section. Play the audio in a loop and chant along with it repeatedly. Traditionally, 10 rounds of 10 repetitions  each is recommended for memorisation. As and when you become more familiar with the verses, you can use higher speeds to chant along. 
  • Step 3 - Once you have memorised one set of verses, move to the next set and repeat the process. 
  • Step 4 - Do not forget to regularly revise the older portions which you have memorised - you can use the tool at 1.5 speed without loop to quickly revise entire chapters. 

Visual Design Repeat & Memorize Bhagavad Gita -  Using an Interactive Interface

About the Teacher

Know More about the Course

This tool covers all the 18 chapters and 700 verses of the Bhagavad Gita. 
Currently there is no Certificate for this course offered by Vyoma.
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