Sri Padukasahasram is a multifaceted stotra-ratnam on glories of the two Padukas (sandals) adorning the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ranganatha. Composed by the great acharya Sri Vedantadeshika, it consists of 1008 verses distributed into 32 paddhatis (chapters). Sri Padukasahasram is one of the most magnificent literary, philosophical and spiritual compositions of Swami Deshika. It is said that all the verses were composed on one fine evening. In this course, the meanings for verses in all Paddhatis will be covered in English, by R. Thirunarayanan, Ph.D. This will be an ongoing course till all the paddhatis are covered.
What will you gain from this course? (Key Benefits / Learning Outcomes)
What are the materials/support you get?
What are the prerequisites to get the best out of this course? (Eligibility)
At the end of certain paddhatis, an interesting and thought provoking MCQ quiz shall be offered for interested students which shall be scored. These scores shall be aggregated and certificate will be issued after completion of the entire series of courses.