संस्कृतवाक्यरचना - कृदन्ताः
Kridantas are one of the most common type of words in Samskrta, found in almost every sentence. This course focusses on examples and usage of some of the important Krdantas, and the simple grammar principles to derive the Kridanta forms for about 400 common verbs.
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We will then focus on 25 major krt-suffixes, their forms, examples, rules for usage. The pratyayas we will be studying will be ण्वुल्, तृच्, शतृ, शानच्, क्विप्, ल्युट्, क्तिन्, अ, घञ्, अच्, क्तवतु, क्त, अनीयर्, तव्य, यत्, ण्यत्, क्त्वा, ल्यप्, तुमुन्, णमुल्, अण्, क, ट, ड, खश्। Most common krdanta forms like पठन्, पठितुम्, पठित्वा, पठितम्, पठितवान्, पठनीयम्, पठितव्यम्, पाठ्यम्, पाठः, etc will be covered.
The course will have lots and lots of examples, both from literature and daily usage. Focus is more on practical application than theory. The course will not get into details of Paninian sutras or derivation of Kridantas according to sutras