Pancha sandhyantaprakarana of Siddhantakaumudi is taught in this course. 177 sutras of Ashtadhyayi is covered following Siddhanta kaumudi with reference to Balamanorama Commentary.
1. Samjna prakarana – Covers the basic technical terms of Vyakarana, including itsamjna, division of svaras, Sthana-prayatna elaboration for all letters, concept of savarna.
2. Paribhasha prakarana – Covers the basic second type of sutras which control the interpretation of Vidhisutras.
3. Achsandhi prakarana – covers rules concerned with modification of Ach letters. 7 sandhis – Yan-sandhi, Yantavantadesha-sandhi, Guna-sandhi, Vruddhi-sandhi, Pararoopa-sandhi, Poorvaroopa-sandhi and Savarnadeergha-sandhi are covered.
4. Prakrutibhavasandhi prakarana – Covers rules of prohibition of Ach sandhi and sheds light on the concept of Pluta and Pragruhya.
5. Halsandhi prakarana – covers aadeshas and aagamas for consonant letters, with detailed rules for Shchutvasandhi, Shtutvasandhi, Jashtvasandhi, Anunasikasandhi, Parasavarnasandhi, Purvasavarnasandhi, Chartvasandhi, Cchattvasandhi, Anusvarasandhi, Kuk-Tuk-Dhut-Tuk-Namut-Sut aagamas.
6. Visargasandhi prakarana – covers the modifications of visarga, and also sandhis which don’t involve visarga directly but are commonly identified as visargasandhi.
7. Svadisandhi prakarana – Covers the modifications of letters when it is followed by 21 Sup-pratyayas.