Ajanta pumlinga prakarana of Siddhantakaumudi is taught in this course. 108 sutras of Ashtadhyayi and 15 vartikas are covered following Siddhanta kaumudi with reference to Balamanorama Commentary.
This prakarana is devided into 9 sub-chapters according to the svara ending letter of crude; form of a noun that is Praatipadika. Concepts like प्रातिपदिक, विभक्ति, वचन, सर्वनाम, घि, भम्, पदम्, अपृक्त, नदी and स्त्री are discussed in this prakarana. Every sub-chapter deals with some special Praatipadikaas and the process of forming Padas by joining Pratipadika and Sup-pratyayas. Modifications through which a Pratipadika should undergo to become a Pada is the main content of this course.
Useful books for the course
1. Vaiyakarana Siddhanta Kaumudi of Bhattoji Deekshita
Suggested editions: Siddhantakaumudi (4 vols) with Balamanorama and Tattvabodhini, Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi, ISBN: 8120823427.
2. Ashtadhyayi of Panini – Any edition with sutrapatha, preferably with anuvrittis marked.