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परीक्षासज्जतावर्गः - श्रीसुरसरस्वतीसभा, शृङ्गेरी – द्वितीया (गणः- ५)

SSS Dvitiya - Preparatory course for second level of Surasaraswathi Sabha Exams (Batch 5)

A free Pre-Recorded course designed to help students prepare for the Dvitiya examination conducted by Sri Surasaraswathi Sabha, Sringeri. The Dvitiya exam is the second in a graded series of 5 exams conducted by the Sabha. Taught by Vid. Raghunandana and Kum. Maheshwari, this level focuses on building language, vocabulary, and grammar skills, to enable the students to read and understand simple poetry and write simple Sanskrit prose.

Vyoma Labs plans to have 6 months duration batches aligning to the exam timetable of the Sabha. This course shall be the 5th batch and will be active from 6th February 2024 to August 2024.

No of Enrollment
No of Lectures

Schedule of Classes

About the Course

What will you gain from this course? (Key Benefits / Learning Outcomes)

  • Learn Sanskrit in a graded way as structured and designed by Sringeri Pandits.
  • Become familiar with simple Sanskrit words and the use of case-endings (vibhaktis).
  • Learn the language and master basic grammar simultaneously.
  • Improve your fluency in reading and writing Sanskrit.

 How to get maximum out of this course?

  • This is a Pre-Recorded course. Get access to videos and audio at any time, from any device.
  • There are around 50 sessions.
  • Follow the presentations as used in the classes.
  • Clarify your doubts through email, discussion forum  and online teacher interaction sessions.
  • Follow the study timetable and plan complete your portions. Click on the below link to view the timetable. 

  Study Timetable

 What are the prerequisites to get the best out of this course? (Eligibility)

Visual Design SSS Dvitiya - Preparatory course for second level of Surasaraswathi Sabha Exams (Batch 5)

About the Teacher

Know More about the Course

Course Content

To access the content please enrol to the course and go to ‘My Account’/ Learning page.